Intimacy- How intimacy is affected after a breast cancer diagnosis.

Intimacy- How intimacy is affected after a breast cancer diagnosis.

We know how daunting intimacy can be after a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, and we feel that there's not enough people talking openly about the ways any kind of intimacy (we don't just mean sex itself!) can be affected.

So, this February we have teamed up with the lovely Isabel White, a psychosexual therapist and cancer care nurse, to discuss the issues we might face alone or in a relationship, and some practical solutions that we can take to feel more in control and confident about intimacy in our lives.

This is the first of four bitesize videos where we discuss the ways intimacy can be affected after a breast cancer diagnosis. For all the information from all our videos, head over to the community section of our website and feel free to DM us with any questions or queries and we will do our best to get them answered or put you in touch with the right source of information!

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